Earn Money With Shortened URLs

There are a lot of ways to earn money both online and offline. No matter what method you use to earn money, you will have to put in some efforts for that. There is hardly a way that can get you a lot of money without working. But what if you start getting money in your PayPal account or in the form of Bitcoins, without doing anything? That would surely be like a dream come true! And this dream can come true with a short URL generator. You just have to share link and earn money .It is as simple as that! Now before you start thinking of getting rich with this super easy money earning technique, let us give you some information about what is a short URL generator. Let us begin with an example. When you see a nice article online and would like to share it with your friends how will you share it? On WhatsApp or Twitter or maybe Instagram, right? But how will you feel if the link that you send read something like, ‘www.random_example.com/random-characters-that-make-no-sense-at-all...